IBA meets IBA // Network

Stakeholders of former and current IBA form the IBA meets IBA Network. Eight completed and currently six active IBA illustrate the attractiveness of the IBA instrument. In 2007, IBA Hamburg, supported by the M:AI Museum für Architektur und Ingenieurkunst NRW, initiated the IBA meets IBA Network as an association of former, current and interested future IBA stakeholders.

The network is supported by the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community, particularly in the event formats “IBA Laboratory” and “IBA Forum”; the Expert Council appointed by the Federal Government accompanies the IBA process.

IBA Laboratories take place approximately once a year as needed. The small group workshops focus on an open exchange on the status of the current IBA and on the assurance of the quality standards defined in the IBA Memorandum. In this context, the ongoing focus is on the question of whether and how the IBA instrument established in Germany can be further developed into a contribution to European planning and building culture.

IBA Forum is a major public platform for the discussion and exchange of experiences on relevant and current topics. It aims to anchor the IBA discourse among national and international experts and key decision-makers in politics, administration and the economy. IBA Forums take place as needed and are each organised by a current IBA.

The OPEN IBA exhibition is available “on demand” for those interested. The print data is made available in such a way that the exhibition posters can be produced individually and as required.