Aschersleben, the oldest city in Saxony-Anhalt, is one of the pioneers of urban redevelopment and for a long time pursued an “outside to inside” development strategy: As part of the IBAIBA Internationale Bauausstellung strategy, superfluous building substance was demolished at the outskirts of the city to revitalise the historic city centre.
Aschersleben gradually reconquered its city centre: Historic buildings were refurbished, administrative offices, educational institutions and shopping centres were relocated to the city centre and existing buildings were supplemented with individual new buildings. The old town once again offered everything its citizens needed in a compact area. The Bestehornpark educational center was built on a central industrial urban wasteland through modification, refurbishment and addition of a new building. Two primary schools, a secondary reform school and an advanced training institute for nursing and geriatric care moved in. As part of the 2010 Landesgartenschau (state garden show), the entire site was redesigned as a green school campus and public recreation area.
At the same time, a new public space was created on a main road. Almost three quarters of the buildings on this traffic road polluted by noise and exhaust fumes were vacant.It was not suitable as Aschersleben’s business card. As part of IBA Stadtumbau, work started on redesigning the ruins and vacant buildings as objets d’art to attract a new audience in 2004. The result: the DRIVE THRU gallery. This open-air gallery was controversial, but that was precisely what brought it to the attention of the urban public and earned it nationwide reach.
AddressBestehornpark Education Centre:
Wilhelmstraße 21-23, 06449 Aschersleben
Drive Thru Gallery:
Along the thoroughfare (national roads B6, B180 & B185)Project participantsIBA office Sonja Beeck, Günther Graviat, Kerstin Faber
IBA experts: Ursula Achternkamp, Kai Vöckler
City of Aschersleben: Anke Lehmann, Andreas Michelmann, Uwe Rothe, Klaus Schaffhauser, Ria Uhlig
Creative team workshops 2002–2005: Ralf Niebergall, Jörg Schlinke, Katharina Schütze, Heike Sperling, Ria Uhlig, Tom Unverzagt, Kai Vöckler
Partners and other participants: Wolfgang Adam, Ascherslebener Gebäude- und Wohnungsgesellschaft mbH, Ernst-Karl vom Böckel, Aschersleber Kunst und Kulturverein e. V., Manon Bursian, Kunststiftung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, Gilles Delalex, Verena Hahn, Marco Hartmann, Vivien Horn, Mark Hornbogen & Tom Gräbe, Marcel Karius, Stefan Lochmann, Matthias Mayer, Katrin Schlitt, Martin Schmitz, Mathias Streuer, Axel Wieczorek, Marion Zens, René Weiszbarth, Radio Harz-Börde-Welle, Förderkreis Stephaneum, Sparkasse Salzlandkreis, Gymnasium Stephaneum, Berufsbildenden Schulen, GTS Albert Schweitzer, „7/24 öffentlich“ aka, Mo Magic, Freiraumkombinat
Eine River course: lohrer.hochrein, landschaftsarchitekten bdla gbr (Munich, Magdeburg)
Bestehornpark: Büro Lederer + Ragnasdottir + Oei Architekten
DRIVE THRU Gallery: Ursula Achternkamp, Sonja Beeck, Kai Vöckler, Detlef Weitz (chezweitz & roseapple)
Epitaphs: Craft Training Centre, Jörg Schlinke
Information satellite: Heike Sperling, Tom Unverzagt
Recycling wall: Ralf Niebergall
DRIVE THRU stakeholders 2004: ASL Fiction Jörg Schlinke with school children in cooperation with AKKU e. V. Filmpalast Aschersleben and the Film Museum and Archive for Film and Television Potsdam
DRIVE THRU stakeholders 2007: Christopher Winter
DRIVE THRU stakeholders 2008: “hinter dem Fenster” (Behind the Window) exhibition: Andreas Lieding and Class 5b of Albert-Schweitzer School, Marco Werner, United Dortmund Parishes; “Zuhause” (At Home) exhibition: Christina Dimitriadis, Karl Heinz Kleinbub, Jörg Przyborowski, Valentina Seidel, Albrecht Tübke
DRIVE THRU stakeholders 2009: “DRIVE IN – MOTEL ASL 2009/10” (“Zebra-Park”) Gilles Delalex “A light smell of French fries”: Luc Mattenberger, Lutz Pannicke / “Liebenwahnscher Plan”: Verena Hahn / “This way okay”: Manuel Cota, Firma Heck, Isamu Krieger, Peter Neumann / “Geruchspfad” (“Scent Path”): Christoph Remitschka, Gerd Schickerling, Dieter Voigt / “public picnic”: Oliver Schübbe/OS2-Designgroup / “Sozialpalast-mobil” (“Mobile Social Palace”): Erik Biembacher, Katrin Schnieders / No Accident in Paradise: Samir el Borno, Stachy Gondesen, Tino Schmidt, Albrecht Ziepert / Caravanites: Tom Gräbe, Ursula Häse, Philipp Klahn, Björn Klaus, Philipp Knill, Peter Piek, Fabian Zeuch / Installation Stargazer 2009: Ursula Achternkamp, Peter Neumann, Lutz Pannicke, Klaus Schaffhauser, Kurt Helmut Wiese DRIVE THRU Stakeholders 2010: (chezweitz & roseapple), Holger Jansen, Jörg Przyborowski, Teska + Weghoff
Final presentation workshop on-site: Ria Uhlig, Sonja Beeck, Kerstin Faber, Ursula Achternkamp, Matthias Brettschneider, René Weiszbarth
Final presentation 2010: chezweitz & roseapple (Berlin)Sources and further information:Ministerium für Landesentwicklung und Verkehr des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt (Hrsg.): Internationale Bauaustellung Stadtumbau Sachsen-Anhalt 2010: Weniger ist Zukunft. 19 Städte – 19 Themen, 2010.Links